
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Last Post for 2011

Thankyou children and whanau for using this blog. All the children in the Central Maths Stars group have made excellent progress this year. I hope the activities on this blog have made your Maths learning enjoyable. The blog will remain open so you can continue to access the links on it. We have appreciated your feedback and wish you all the best for the holidays. Year 6's who are leaving us we wish you every success in the future

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Term Four Week 2

We have posted a link to the Taranaki Sprints on the Matanginui Wiki. When you open them you will see there are 100 questions for each one. We have set a 4 minute time limit for each of them (The record is 1 minute 8 seconds)

The photos below show the resources we have been using to learn fractions. We keep the main ideas as simple as possible. The main idea being that the top number in the fraction tells us how many pieces we have and the bottom number tells us how many pieces to make 1 whole or how big each piece is. When we say a fraction we are saying that anyway. 3 quarters means we have 3 pieces and they are quarters.

We have also had our 200th visitor to our blog. Thankyou to those parents who continue to follow our progress on our blog.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Term Four Week One

Our first week back at school. We spent our time revising last terms work on Basic Facts and Place Value.
We also introduced "Taranaki Sprints" as a way of increasing our speed of recall for times tables. I will attach an example sheet of what they look like.
Although this term is short we are very focussed on our learning as this is our last 8 weeks together.
Next week we will begin Fraction Knowledge learning.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week Ten

Attached are photos of some of the work we have been doing in our books. You will see the children are dealing with quite complex place value activities now. They have made excellent progress in understanding place value. The real key is the sense of size of each place value column. Each time we move left it is 10 times bigger.

I have also added a 6 times tables rap to the Blog.....Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week Nine

The last week of Term 3. It has been fantastic to see the progress being made this term. Our blog has had 147 new visitors and nearly 500 page views.
Attached are more photos of the work we have been doing. It is important to note the understanding being developed behind the Family of Facts work. We used materials to initially construct the times tables and look for patterns. It is also important to explore the concept of the commutative law of multiplication, equally important is that it cannot be used for division. With this understood the children quickly realised that by knowing 1 fact (eg 4 x 5 = 20) they could easily construct the other 3 facts in the family.
Hopefully everyone has a good break and i look forward to great progress in Term 4.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week Eight

This week we have spent time consolidating our understanding of decimal place value and have been developing understanding of Family of Facts based on the 5 times tables. The photos attached show some of the book work and games the children have been using over the past few weeks

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week Seven

Hi everyone,
We have moved into the exploration of Decimal Fraction Place value from this week. We have used the "Decipipes" as our initial model. You can see from the attached photos that the decipipes allow us to model tenths and hundredths easily.

 It did not take the children long to understand the concept of ten tenths equalling 1 whole. Another important aspect of our learning has been an indepth exploration of the decimal point. The fact that it separates whole numbers from parts of mumbers is very important, from there it is an extension of our whole number place value system, it certainly follows the same "Rules".

The children continually make links between this new learning and the "Song Videos" which use the same Place Value language .
Basic Fact learning is based around 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The 10 times tables are our "Ty" numbers anyway, so the job of the teacher is to make the link to the childrens existing knowledge of this.

The 2 times tables are there doubles (which they already know and have been practicing). The 5 times tables can be explored through number patterns on a hundreds board or a similar piece of Place Value equipment. It is also very useful to link the 5 times to their existing 10 times table.
EG   3 x 10 = 30
        3 x 5 = 15  and 6 x 5 = 30
I will explore this last idea in the next posting.