
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week Seven

Hi everyone,
We have moved into the exploration of Decimal Fraction Place value from this week. We have used the "Decipipes" as our initial model. You can see from the attached photos that the decipipes allow us to model tenths and hundredths easily.

 It did not take the children long to understand the concept of ten tenths equalling 1 whole. Another important aspect of our learning has been an indepth exploration of the decimal point. The fact that it separates whole numbers from parts of mumbers is very important, from there it is an extension of our whole number place value system, it certainly follows the same "Rules".

The children continually make links between this new learning and the "Song Videos" which use the same Place Value language .
Basic Fact learning is based around 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The 10 times tables are our "Ty" numbers anyway, so the job of the teacher is to make the link to the childrens existing knowledge of this.

The 2 times tables are there doubles (which they already know and have been practicing). The 5 times tables can be explored through number patterns on a hundreds board or a similar piece of Place Value equipment. It is also very useful to link the 5 times to their existing 10 times table.
EG   3 x 10 = 30
        3 x 5 = 15  and 6 x 5 = 30
I will explore this last idea in the next posting.

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